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Continuous Electron Beam Accelarator Facility (CEBAF) Now Jefferson Lab

Morbi tristique neque eu mauris. Quisque gravida ipsum non sapien. Proin turpis lacus, scelerisque vitae, elementum at, lobortis ac, quam. Aliquam dictum eleifend risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam sit amet diam. Suspendisse odio. Suspendisse nunc. In semper bibendum libero.

Continuous Electron Beam Accelarator Facility (CEBAF) Now Jefferson Lab

Anker-Holth™ was given a very challenging mandate to design and implement levelling systems for three giant (30,000 Ton) magnets using superconductor wires for the generation of massive magnetic fields. Despite the fact that the foundation of these magnets was over 7' (2 m) thick, these rotating magnets were creating movements in the foundation resulting in the distortion of the beam to the target. Anker-Holth™ designed and delivered hydro-electro-mechanical jacking systems installed under these giant magnets such that the elctron beams were dynamically levelled to the target with a tolerance of less than 0.002" (±0.01 mm) at any point during their revolution. This has been an unmatched milestone achievement in the world.

Magnum group of companies

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